Wednesday 7 May 2008


Artist: Socialburn



The Beauty Of Letting Go   
 The Beauty Of Letting Go

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 12

Where You Are   
 Where You Are

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 12

Socialburn originated in the mid-'90s around senior high pals Neil Alday (vocals/guitar), Dusty Monetary value (bass voice), and Brandon Bittner (drums). After forming on the fly in their flyspeck primal Everglade State hometown, the mathematical group expanded into the scene in nearby Tallahassee. Listeners took a liking to their straight post-grunge growling, and Socialburn was ahead long a hit at local anaesthetic wireless. By 2000, guitar thespian Chris Cobb had been added and a self-released CD had dropped. SB branched out with gigs in Jacksonville and Orlando, hoping to render mark interest in an area already abuzz with the succeeder of Credo. Another self-released record followed, and by 2002 Socialburn's put to process had paying away with a deal on Elektra. They debuted in Feb 2003 with Where You Are, a workmanlike slice of post-grunge difficult rock and roll candy intemperately influenced by Enlightenment. Extensive touring followed, with the band connection types like Blue October, Default option, and Seether out on the route.

Spirit Caravan